You'll Think of Me Page 6
Luke smiled at Livy’s tenacity. “If you want to, that’s fine by me. Don’t think I don’t know why you’re coming by, though.”
Grinning from ear to ear, Olivia replied, “Can we go now?”
Groaning, Luke rolled over onto Olivia and kissed her forehead. “Alright, baby. We can go now.”
Walking through the door of Luke’s home, Olivia was greeted by Luke’s brothers having a Nerf gun war. Orange and blue mesh pellets were flying everywhere and sticking to random places throughout the living room. By the smiles that danced across their faces and the giggles that came from deep in their bellies, they couldn’t have been happier kids.
“Hey, knuckleheads, a lady just walked into the room. Greet her the right way,” Luke exclaimed grabbing their attention. The boys stopped in the middle of their war to look at him.
Luke’s expression spoke volumes and the boys obeyed. Luke had always treated women with utmost respect. It was one of the reasons why she fell for him.
“Hi, Olivia,” the boys said in unison.
“Hey, boys.”
“Hey, Livy.” Luke’s father, Clark, appeared from the left. He walked right over to Olivia and kissed her cheek then nodded to Luke.
Stepping over toys strewn across the carpet, Luke asked his father, “Where's Ma? She feeling any better?”
“You know your mother. She’s got a head like a rock, so stubborn that she won’t sit still. She's in the kitchen cooking breakfast.”
Luke shook his head in disbelief at his father’s reply. Typical of his mother. He knew she had a steel will and did whatever she damn well pleased. Not like his father could stop her. Even while sick, his mother was still catering to everyone’s needs. He knew she enjoyed it, but also needed to take a break once in a while.
“Mornin’, Mama.”
Turning around, Luke could see how sick she truly was just by one glance at her face. No amount of makeup could hide the dark circles or tint of yellow in her eyes. Luke shook his head as he looked at her.
“Goddammit, Mama,” he muttered lowly to himself, not allowing her to hear.
“Go sit down and let me take over.” Luke stalked around the island and grabbed the spatula out of her hand. He raised his hand and pointed to where Olivia was.
Diane raised her hand and gently patted his stubbly face, her thumb wrapping softy around his jaw. A weak smile tugged at her face and her heavy eyes creased at the ends, showing nothing but pure parental love for him.
“Such a caring young man you are. I raised you right. Let’s hope the rest of your brothers follow in your footsteps.”
His mother’s hand felt warm against his face. Reaching for it, he squeezed and felt the heat pour out of it. Luke pressed his big palm against her forehead; she was burning up. Upset at how sick she was, he accidentally pressed against her a little too hard and she stumbled back. Luke quickly reached around and grabbed his mother by the waist, catching her before she fell. She felt so small and fragile in his arms, not like the tough woman she always appeared to be.
“Hey, Diane, let me help you to the island so we can sit,” Olivia said.
“Mama, let Olivia look at you. She might be able to help.”
“Oh, honey, I'm fine. Just tired. I'll lie down after I'm finished cookin’ breakfast.”
Luke squeezed the spatula tightly. He huffed loudly and tilted his head up in irritation. Between Olivia and his mother, he wasn't sure who pushed his buttons more. Steaming with frustration, Luke closed his eyes, trying not to snap at his sick mother. His father would have his ass if he disrespected her.
“Mama, go sit down,” he spoke sharply.
Sighing, his mother agreed. “Fine, fine. You have such a temper. You get that from your father you know.”
And just like that, his mother was able to calm the tension in the kitchen with her playful charm. When something didn't go her way, she blamed his father, but in a good-hearted way.
As Olivia helped Diane to her chair, Luke turned around and finished cooking the breakfast she had started on the stove top. As he poured more homemade pancake batter into the skillet, he overheard Olivia ask where the thermometer was.
“Well, your fever is awfully high. It's nearly a hundred and three degrees. Luke said your throat was bothering you?”
He could hear his mother grunt before she replied. “Yes... Honestly? It feels like it’s on fire.”
Luke gripped the metal spatula so tight it was cutting into his hand. He hated to see his mother feel so bad. She was the glue that held the family together. His anger slid through his fingers as he flipped a pancake and slapped it down hard, the batter spilling out of the sides.
“Can you open your mouth so I can see? And tilt your head up so I can shine the flashlight in your mouth. Oh, Diane. Your throat is bright red and extremely swollen. It must hurt to swallow. I suggest you get to your doctor as soon as you're able.”
“I've had sore throats, but this one is the worst. I just assumed it would pass in a few days,” he heard his mother say.
Luke spun around. “She'll go today,” he said, “whether she wants to or not. I'm sure Dad will agree.”
“Agree with what?” his father asked walking into the kitchen.
“That Mama needs to go to the doctor today.”
“I’ve been tryin’ to get her there. The stubborn woman won’t listen to me!”
His mother slumped forward, either in acceptance or exhaustion, he wasn’t sure which. She appeared so worn out and it wasn't boding well with him.
“Go lie down and I'll bring you breakfast in bed, Ma.”
Diane stood up and said to Olivia in a hushed tone, but not low enough for Luke to keep from hearing her, “You got yourself a good and caring man there. Don't lose him. He’s just like his daddy. There isn’t a thing he wouldn’t do for the woman he loves and I’m not just saying that because he’s my son, either.”
Diane smiled faintly at Livy and walked down the hall to her room as his father followed.
Olivia met Luke’s gaze. They looked at each other quietly, not speaking a word verbally, but understanding one another. Olivia grasped the necklace Luke had given her the night before and knew what Luke’s mother spoke was the truth. It’s not like she needed to hear it from Diane. She knew a man like Luke was rare to find.
present day
Cowboys was a bar downtown that had a laid back kind of atmosphere with a live band with a dance floor only on the weekends. Olivia knew that Tessa enjoyed music as much as she did and Olivia wanted to show Tessa how similar Savannah was to South Fork. It was relaxing and inviting, which was exactly what she needed tonight.
Music blared through the speakers as they waited for the bartender to pour a shot of Southern Joe.
“Here ya go, ladies. Enjoy,” the bartender drawled.
“Let’s make a toast! To friendship, life and hot as hell bartenders!” Tessa yelled. They raised their shot glasses, tapped them together then brought them to their lips.
Tilting the glass, Olivia tossed the liquid to the back of her throat. She felt it burn as it slithered down, warming her belly and making her shudder at the same time. This stuff could put hair on her chest—not that it was something she wanted. It was just strong as hell, and just how she liked it.
Olivia looked at Tessa, who was taking sips.
“Jesus H. Christ, Tessa! It’s not sweet tea!” Olivia bellowed. “Don’t sip it. Shoot it!”
Tessa contemplated Olivia’s order before she took the shot the right way. That was two shots down the hatch. She knew Tessa wasn’t one for shots, but did them occasionally. She was more of a beer drinking kind of girl.
“Let’s dance!” Tessa shouted over the music.
Once on the dance floor, the alcohol began to stream through her blood as they danced. Thirty minutes later and Olivia was hot and sweaty. She retreated back to the bar for another drink while Tessa was still going at it. As she made her way through the crowd, Olivia felt the hairs on the back of
her neck stand. She stopped to look around and rubbed her clammy neck before she turned back and ordered a Savannah Tea. Olivia would take her sweet tea any way she could get it—and if it had whiskey in it, even better.
After downing the last of her drink, Olivia felt it hit her as she walked through a maze of people onto the dance floor. She let the music course through her body, feeling good and letting go while she danced with her arms above her head and her hips swaying to the beat. She felt each word and each beat as it droned through her body. For a brief moment, Olivia was sucked back to an instance similar to this with Luke. Olivia would let her body take control of the music when Luke sang. His voice, pure euphoric sin coated in sex and whiskey. What more could she ask for?
Olivia’s hips swayed seductively as another song started up. Her head angled toward the ceiling, enjoying the ambiance and live band. It had been quite some time since she let her hair down.
Without warning, she felt a body pressed up against her back. Warm hands grasped her wide hips, pulling her to him. Going with the flow, she moved with him, feeling his large jean clad body behind hers. Olivia turned her head to look back, but when she moved her head to the left, the man brought his finger to her chin and slowly pushed her head to look straight ahead, mumbling no under his breath.
Olivia leaned back as another song echoed through the speakers. She felt his hands skim down her abdomen, adding a twinge of pressure to her belly, making it flex on its own. His rough fingers grazed across her heated skin where her shirt had risen. Her stomach clenched as she fought back the vibration that threatened to escape her from the feeling of his fingers against her skin. Olivia relaxed into him, feeling every inch of his solid chest as her back started to heat up, wishing she could see who the mysterious stranger was behind her.
As they began to slow down, his fingers moved into the waistband of her shorts. He didn’t push them in far, just into the top of the waistband. He rubbed from side to side and she immediately felt her sex heat. He was slowly tantalizing her with his rough fingers that her breath caught in her throat. The man brought his face down to the curve of her neck, his hot breath prickling her skin like jagged teeth. She pushed her hips into his as he rubbed his cheek along hers. Goosebumps broke out over her skin.
Olivia’s head lolled to the side, her brown wavy hair falling along the man’s arm. The heat of the bodies on the dance floor and alcohol took hold, playing with her, tickling her senses and making her want sex, want him and want him now. Olivia wasn’t one for one night stands, but she was ready to throw her inhibitions out the window for just one night…just to let go.
Feeling his scruffy facial hair graze her neck, his fingers danced along the lace band of her panties. The air swirled in a cloud of dark forbidden passion that spoke of hot, steaming sex. The bar was humid and the grinding they were doing wasn’t helping her. She was hot and turning into an inferno while his hands and body manipulated hers.
As if he sensed her legs were about to give out, he lifted her closer to him, then twisted her hips around and brought her right back to where she apparently belonged—front to front and up against his dick.
Olivia came face to face with a rock hard chest covered in a navy blue shirt. His hands never left her waist as he shoved his leg between her bare ones and pushed against her wet sex, slowly beginning a dirty dance with her. She moaned in the back of her throat, her eyes closing on their own accord. He palmed her ass with one large hand while he placed his other hand at the back of her head, holding her closer to him. The man had skill. He had her boxed in with his arms and body. Olivia wasn’t sure if he knew the power he held over her in that instant, but it was hot as hell.
Before she had a chance to see whose arms she was wrapped in, the scent of spicy sandalwood assaulted her senses. Olivia licked her lips and cracked her eyes open to get a peek at who she had such sexual chemistry with. She looked up to a square jaw covered in stubble. His lips, firm and full that deserved to be sucked on frequently. She locked onto a pair of brown eyes that looked vaguely familiar, flecks of gold swimming in them. They tempted her, lured her in. They were framed by the fullest set of black lashes she’d ever seen on a man. And then he lifted one side of his mouth into a curve and grinned at her, giving her one of the sexiest half-smiles she’d ever seen.
And that’s when it hit her.
Shock. Ice cold shock and recognition raced through her body.
Olivia froze. Her mouth dropped open at the same time her arms fell away. She could not believe she was staring back at the eyes of her patient from this past week. He stood there, holding her tight, with a smug look on his handsome face. She placed her hands flat against Nathaniel’s chest to push him away, but he didn't budge. He just held her tighter with his stupid smile that seemed to grow at her agitation.
“Move,” Olivia ordered. She wasn't playing games. This was her patient for fuck’s sake.
“Nope.” He barely moved his lips.
Olivia huffed loudly, her nostrils flaring in frustration. She pushed hard and was finally able to move him back.
She quickly turned around to walk away, well tried at least. Nathaniel reached out and grabbed her wrist, spinning her back to him gracefully like a practiced dance move. Olivia fell into his chest with a thump.
“Stop, Mr. Alexander. This can't be happening between us. You're my patient,” Olivia said between her teeth.
He pondered for a second then said in a deep voice, “First, it’s Nate. I’ve told you this already. And second, technically I'm Dr. Thatcher's patient. I just saw you since he was out of town, right? And how lucky was I?” He finished, cocking his head to the side with a grin. She smelled the beer on his breath and could see the wicked gleam that stirred in his eyes.
“Doesn't matter. You were still in my office.”
The band played a new song and Nate took it as an invitation. He slid his arm around her lower back and pulled her closer, picking up where they left off. Olivia tried to move but when she did, her body rubbed up against his and she groaned. He felt so good. Too good. It wasn't helping that Nate's muscled thigh was wedged between hers. Nate pushed harder into her, causing Olivia to give a throaty moan loud enough for him to notice this time.
“Stop,” she whimpered breathlessly.
Nate dropped his head to the curve of her neck. “No. I don’t think you want me to stop,” he drawled lazily.
“You have to. You're my patient.”
“Then I'll get another doctor.”
Nate was relentless. He was using his calloused hands to rub along the sides of her waist. She was crossing the line here, she knew it, but goddammit he felt so good that she didn’t want him to stop.
“No, Dr. Thatcher is the best.”
But her body wasn't listening to her brain. She stood on her toes and reached up, wrapping her arms around his neck. Nate moved in and pressed open mouthed kisses up her neck and nibbled along her jaw, his tongue dancing along her neck. Olivia leaned her head to the side to grant Nathaniel more access when she should have pushed him away. There was something so alluring about him that she couldn’t bring herself to do so. So when she moved her head, he moved toward her mouth.
Nate hovered for a moment, his breath hot and heavy against her. She looked up through heavy lids and peered into his eyes. Olivia had a feeling he was waiting for an answer, an invitation to proceed. Her lips parted, a breath escaping them as her tongue slid out to wet her lips. Nathaniel’s eyes traveled to her mouth and she could feel his chest moving up and down as he breathed. His eyes darkened as he tried to make a choice. Olivia hadn’t moved an inch from his grasp. She only held him tighter and that seemed to make the decision for him.
His tongue slipped out and skated across her lips, closing the space between them. Lightly at first to test the waters, then grazing and nipping back and forth to see how much she’d allow. Unable to conceal the tingling sensation traveling up her spine, she let out a husky sigh. This wasn’t what she had expected from him.
She expected rough, raw and dirty. Her body was simmering, hot with desire. Parting her lips, Nate’s tongue to dip in, touching the roof of her mouth and enticing her further. Olivia tried to ignore the fire building, but couldn’t. His moves were seductive and her body responded to them.
He deepened their kiss, crushing her to him. His strong arms held her closer while thick strokes of his tongue delved in and out at the same time his hips moved against hers. His short facial hairs scraping near her mouth only heightened the intensity of the kiss. She relaxed into him fully, losing herself to his skillful mouth. She hadn’t been kissed like that in ages, and it felt good.
Nate and Olivia were panting for air once they broke apart, both of their lips swollen and eyes glossy.
Between the lines they just skipped across and the feeling of desire streaming inside of her, Olivia knew she was screwed, blued and tattooed.
Tap, Tap, Tap
Olivia opened the door to the next exam room and her mouth nearly dropped.
“Why are you here? I made sure you were scheduled with Dr. Thatcher…” Olivia said flipping the chart papers frantically to double check her orders.
“No hi or hello? Or how am I doing?” He questioned with a smirk that made her heart skip a beat. Nate raked his eyes over her, starting from her head and making his way down over her voluptuous hips. Her body awakened from his intense gaze and she cursed herself for feeling it.
Olivia needed to tread carefully. Very carefully.
“Fine,” he retorted. “I was scheduled with him, but I called saying the medication wasn’t working and needed to come back in. When the receptionist made the appointment, I asked if I could see you instead since we hit it off so well,” he winked. “She said it was no problem at all. So here I am.”
A cocky smile graced his face. This had to be a dream, and maybe not entirely a good one. Sighing, she pushed a strand of hair from her face.
“Well, that was a mistake, Mr. Alexan—”
Olivia stared pointedly at him and took a breath, trying to keep her irritation in check.